Take charge of your life

You Will Discover and Enjoy New Ways to Reach Optimal Wellness
Or You Get To Keep This Breakthrough Software For FREE!

Optimal Wellness
In 30 Days
Or Less! Guaranteed

From: Boris Clair
RE: New Ways to Optimal Wellness

Would you like to:

  • Discover your unique talents and gifts and start building your life on them?

  • Learn how to get the success you deserve when you use your full potential?

  • Realize why you react the way you do?

  • Learn proven strategies to master your stress level?

  • Stop destructive behaviors like smoking, drugging or abusing alcohol?

  • Learn how to stop unwanted behaviors like over-eating or over-spending?

  • Learn how to change your States of Mind at will?

  • Clarify your values and belief system?

  • Start making of your own life your masterpiece?

With WellnessMaster you will learn new powerful strategies:

Now ask these questions:

goldstar How is Your View from the Top?
Ever wanted to enjoy your view from the top? Do you have many of the things money can buy and all the things money can't buy? Did you create a balanced life for your loved ones and for yourself?

Very few people have! And yet no matter what your past history can be, now is the time to plan your future. To succeed and realize your full Unique Life Potential, you need to keep alive your dreams, build plans to make them come true, and use strategies that work. You also need to get organized, and constantly renew your motivation and commitment to action.

Did you know that when you are enthusiastic, motivated and full of hope, your brain's biochemistry changes? Your level of dopamine and other neurotransmitters raises. After a while however it decreases and like a battery, needs refueling.

This is exactly what WellnessMaster brings you: the right tools to constantly refuel your level of enthusiasm and motivation to bring your projects to successful achievement. Build a solid foundation to make your dreams come true!

WellnessMaster has no known equivalent. You might be surprised by what you are going to read. Even if you listened to all the tapes or CDs, read all the books, went to all the seminars on motivation and personal growth, you haven't found what you will find in WellnessMaster.

All these tools are great to help you understand yourself and motivate you for some time. What they all lack is instant easy access when really needed, in your daily life. That's when you need to consistently take action and make the right decisions.

Thanks to the PC you are using right now to read this text, you can have your Personal Life Coach available 24/7/365, always a mouse click away to help you when you need it most. We live unbelievable times. A few years ago this kind of help was unthinkable! So let us see a few of the benefits of WellnessMaster for your successful personal achievements.

Get Your Ultimate Organizer

More than a Contact Manager, Personal Information Manager, Address Book or Agenda, WellnessMaster, thanks to its powerful Relational Database, is your Ultimate Organizer. You have instant access to all the persons you are in contact with, their addresses (as many as needed), the objects you gave, sold, borrowed or lent them, the events, appointments, birthday, deadlines related to them, the companies they work with, the projects they are involved in, even the States of Mind you associate with them, and the quality of your relationship with each of them.

In addition selecting a project gives you instant access to all the persons, resources, places, deadlines you need to know to successfully implement the project. Selecting a place, a city for instance, gives you all the persons, companies, events and so on that have anything to do with this city. Much more is possible with WellnessMaster which constantly gives you a bird's-eye view on your activity.

star Want to Optimize Your Relationship?

The quality of your relations with other people, at home and at work, has a major impact on the quality and length of your life. WellnessMaster reveals the secrets of optimal relations. It has a unique graphical representation of the evolution of the quality of your relations with anyone you are in contact with. It has new strategies to improve any relationship.

Do you write Your Success Journal?

With WellnessMaster you can think of your computer screen as a magic mirror; A mirror in which you can not only discover who you really are, but what you decide your life to become and most importantly how to make this happen.

WellnessMaster helps you build your character as body building machines help you build a great body. The program makes writing your personal journal easy and fun. Asking all sorts of thought-provoking questions, helping you alleviate the writer's block with easy to use optional sample sentences, WellnessMaster guides you in your journey toward self-discovery. WellnessMaster combines, in totally new ways, the great capacity of Personal Computers to interact with the user and to repeat (a must for easier change of unwanted behaviors) and the proven techniques of modern psychology.

star Learn the 16 Strategies to master Stress

WellnessMaster, your Personal Life Coach, helps you cope with daily stress. Most problems of modern life, be they conflicts at work or at home, illnesses or failures of many types are related to poor stress management. How many times did you overreact to certain situations just because you were stressed out?

Use proven strategies to avoid being overwhelmed by all the stimuli of modern life. WellnessMaster is an interactive program that teaches you instant relaxation skills that can change your life.

star Get Your Addiction Buster

One of the most common ways to cope with excessive stress is to start using drugs like tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs. It is a quick fix to reestablish the balance of chemicals in the brain, artificially and for a short time. In other words they help change from unpleasant States of Mind to more pleasant ones. The same result can be obtained by compulsive activities like shopping or gambling that help change to known pleasant States.

The problem is that after a short while the body needs more of the substance or behavior to get the same result. It becomes soon impossible to get the pleasant States without the substance or behavior. You have lost your freedom and created a self-inflicted slavery. WellnessMaster teaches you new powerful strategies to get rid of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or any compulsive behavior.

Want to reach Peak Performance at will?

Learn how to reach at will your Empowering Emotional States.
States of Mind are believed to be our reaction to life events. People used to think of them as unpredictable and uncontrollable as the weather. Modern science shows that they can be changed at will.

Our brain biochemistry determines what State of Mind we are in. WellnessMaster uses different strategies to take control of over 200 different States of Mind. Choosing your State, no matter what happens, is the essence of Self Control.

Get Your Personal Coach?

WellnessMaster shows step by step how to best cope with the challenges of modern life. Constantly available when needed, WellnessMaster helps you adapt your perception of what is happening so that you can make the best of it. Some States of Mind are empowering like joy, confidence, love, lucidity, courage. Some are inhibiting like anxiety, anger, confusion, boredom and so on. WellnessMaster explains how to instantly change your States of Mind. Ways to improve are only a mouse click away.

How about Your Catalyst for Change?

Changes are the most challenging and stressful events in our life. To change behaviors that do not produce successful outcomes, you need to understand why you react the way you do, apply the right strategies and you also need help. This is exactly what WellnessMaster brings: help to modify aspects of your life you decide to improve.

Looking for New Ways to Enhance your Health?

Studies show that over 70% of all modern so called civilization diseases like cardiovascular illnesses or cancers are related to long term destructive Life-styles or Stress. Health psychology shows that simple changes in habits can overtime considerably improve the quality of life.
For example the accumulation of cortisol in the brain, as a result of poor stress coping habits, seems to be involved in maladies such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

star How about Authoring your Life?

Discover your unique talents. Building on your unique strengths and gifts you can optimize the quality of your life. Doing what everybody else does will help you find a job and pay the rent.

If you want to thrive in a competitive world you need to develop your talents and find ways to use them constantly. This is the best way to enjoy what you do, get the best rewards for it with the optimum amount of stress.

Why define a Life Mission?

WellnessMaster will help you define your Personal Life Mission. Without a mission you are just drifting, more or less reacting to external events. In fact everybody else is in charge of your life and this generates a lot of stress. With a Life Mission you are in charge. WellnessMaster helps give your personal meaning to a productive life of happiness and contribution.

Want to Control your Emotions?

With WellnessMaster learn how to use your Emotional States to reach your goals. Depending on the situation you might need to be in a Peak Performance State or in a Relaxed State to restore your energy level. Learn how to master your States of Mind to reach the goals you have determined with the help of WellnessMaster.

Discover Your Best Life Style

Most of our destructive habits, like abuse of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, are in fact quick fixes to cope with stress. We would like to replace them with productive ones. We just do not find the strength, motivation and strategies to do so.
As soon as we have defined our Mission in Life, changes however are no longer optional they become mandatory and yet easy to make. We really need to be in the best possible mental, emotional and physical condition to succeed. WellnessMaster shows how to be your best and become all you are meant to be.

Build Your Instant Knowledge Base

Centered on Quality of Life improvements and continuously updated, WellnessMaster is the best interactive information base on modern behavior changes.

In the last 30 years considerable discoveries have been made on human Health Psychology. With WellnessMaster learn how to live at your Peak Performance Stress Level and reach your Optimum Wellness with no hazardous side effects.


What other Techniques are available to change behavior?

If you are serious about your own Personal Development, you have tried most, if not all, the traditional tools.

star Books. Reading self growth books is certainly a great idea, but it is difficult to apply in daily life the wisdom they contain. Books are linear by nature and once read most end up gathering dust. It is not easy to carry a whole library of appropriate books for every day to day life situation.

star Audio tapes and CDs are great for commuting, but they are listened to outside the needs of real life.

star Seminars are very expensive (up to $5000.00 per person, sometimes much more) and generally reserved to corporate executives. Their major drawback is that they only deal with life simulations.

star Films and seminars can have a great emotional impact. How many really changed your behaviors and improved the long term quality of your life?

star Counseling can be indispensable, but is over time even more expensive than seminars and usually done too late, when a crisis occurs that could have been prevented with earlier appropriate guidance.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Start using modern tools to get rid of your destructive emotions. They can ruin your life. Take action now!


What do they say about Our Personal Development Software?

* I have been using WellnessMaster for several months now and can't say enough about how it has helped me to make some changes in my life. I love having my own personal and interactive mentor 24 hours a day and the program is so comprehensive that it touches on every aspect of my life. I LOVE IT and highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with making any kind of changes in their lives. I found a real treasure when I found this program on-line. It's really WONDERFUL!!! Sandra Hooper (Kansas)

* Congratulations on your WellnessMaster program. I have taken a look at it and it appears to be an excellent program. I feel very positive about your program. It is most comprehensive. I want to be able to further examine the learning curve with a few of the clients that I am now counseling and coaching. My best wishes to you for a job well done. Stan Harris

* I love this program! Help yourself to heal. Kathy Ohlerking

*I like that WellnessMaster integrates self-help goals (overcoming addiction, finding a life purpose) along with the 'practical' things... contacts, calendar, planning events. Louisa DeBoo

* I love this personal development software. It is particularly pleasant and interesting to use. It is meant for those who have a sharp critical sense and like to ask difficult questions. Even at my age (late sixties) I find, just as my children do, what I'm looking for. Kudos! A great deal! Jean Francis Barthelemy (Montescot, France)

* I like the holistic approach of WellnessMaster. Pablo Monk

*Program is terrific. I've mentioned it to a lot of people. Milton

* l like WellnessMaster's focus on the personal management side i.e. emotional- stress, etc... Esty Canary

* WellnessMaster is by far the best self-help program I've ever seen

* Offers many techniques and modules for dealing with stress

* Additional resources (suggested readings) are a nice touch

* I've found the program easy to use

* I love your program WellnessMaster

* Thank you for a great piece of software. I can't help but to envy the great work you have done for the Internet community. I am a programmer and I know the effort being put to achieve such a marvel.

* I must agree that this is an excellent piece of software and one that deserves praise in the aspect of data gathering and programming prowess. Great job!

Back to Fundamentals

What if you were on this planet to learn, grow, love and create a better life for everyone, you included?

What if to achieve this mission you had an unlimited amount of creative energy, unique gifts and talents?

What if you also had, as part of your immune system, a set of emotions like fear, anger, hate or disgust to help you avoid or survive dangerous circumstances?

And what if these survival mechanisms, which are there to protect you from danger, could become your worst enemies, when they block your creative energy in daily life?

What if these emotions, when they become destructive, had the power to completely change your life for the worst?

What if these negative emotions then became the major cause of your addictions and bad habits, impacting your health, limiting your capacity to create and maintain quality relationships, wealth or anything else you want and making your life mission nearly impossible to realize?

What if you had the power to optimize your own level of energy, get rid of its blockages and exponentially increase it at will, but never learned the secret to do so?

What if finally , learning these secrets could be fun and allow you to totally change your life?

What are these tools that boost or limit your energy level? You probably never learned what they really are and more importantly how to use them to get the results you want. The major energy brakes are your negative emotions. They are so powerful that they can completely stop any productive action or initiative. Ever tried to start your bike completely blocking your wheels with both brakes? Not easy to say the least! Your negative emotions like fear, hate, disgust and others are your energy brakes.


So think again about the fabulous possibilities of this new tool!

Your Interactive Course can help you reach your top performance by mastering your states of mind. By asking the right questions you can change your focus and keep concentrating on your target whatever happens. Your Interactive Course helps you better yourself by training the parts of yourself you decide to improve.

"Use it or lose it". This seems to be the law of living organisms. Body Building proves that muscles develop if they are used regularly with the right technique. Winning a body building competition might not be one of your goals in life, but you must admit that it is possible to develop muscles in an incredible manner. The same applies to the mind: regularly exercise a skill and the corresponding neuro-connections will grow and multiply making it possible to play a music instrument for instance, resolve complex mathematical formulas or better manage daily stress.

More fascinating is the fact that emotions can be controlled by the brain. Your Interactive Course helps you develop the mastery of your emotional states. When asked what they want most people have vague answers like: I want more money or I want better relationships. Research shows that what they really want is emotional states like loving, feeling in control, be enthusiastic or feeling great. This is why the Entertainment industry and drugs of all kinds are so popular. They have the power to change states of mind. They are quick fixes to emotional pain. The problem is often their destructive side effects.

Now imagine that you can, with no harm, put yourself in the emotional state you want whenever you want. This is what Your Interactive Course will teach you how to do. Remember that every aspect of your life interacts with the others. Your body, your mind and your spirit have to work in perfect harmony. The way you think makes it easy or difficult, your choice!

Scientific discoveries of the last decades show that there is a right and a wrong way to think. Right thinking is facing reality, wrong thinking is reacting to distorted perception of reality. They also show that, with the proper training, you can have total control over your way of thinking.

By the way the Interactive Course has nothing to do with a cult or indoctrination of any kind. It can be successfully applied whether you believe and practice any religion or you are an atheist. The techniques of the Interactive Course work because they are based on the way the human body and brains function, leaving you total freedom to think, feel, and behave the way you decide. It simply optimizes the process to help you reach your goals whatever they are.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Start using modern tools to get rid of your destructive emotions. They can ruin your life. Take action now!

There are many other ways you can restrict your creative energy: For instance:
  • You feed your body with unhealthy junk food
  • Accumulated toxins block your body's physical energy
  • You don't give your body enough needed nutrients like vitamins and minerals
  • You don't exercise enough
  • You have some hormone imbalance due to age or other reasons
  • Your immune system needs better care
  • Your life energy is electrically, magnetically, chemically or otherwise perturbed
  • You use poor stress management techniques
  • Your energy is blocked by automatic reactions to old painful emotions
  • Your Belief System brings conflicting and unwanted results
  • Your values need to be clarified
  • You still need fixing some addiction problem
  • Your energy is not focused on worthy rewarding goals
  • Your Self Talk is usually negative
  • Your Self Image needs minor or even major adjustments
  • You mismanage close relationships
  • You stopped learning and discovering the world to stay in your comfort zone
  • You do not make full use of your unique gifts and talents to create and give
  • Your spiritual life is inexistent or weak
  • You have no plans for your health, love life, career, wealth or any things you really want

You can discover the proper techniques to fix any of these problems with others of our Personal Development software and with the new Wellness Power Book Series.


Do it! Do it Right! Do it Right Now!

In addition, with your order, you will get 2 free bonusesof great use value:

Free bonus #1 Mastering Nutrition

The first eBook of the Wellness Power Book Series. Learn why a healthy nutrition is key to avoid chronic illnesses and add happy years to your life.

Mastering Nutrition

Free bonus #2The Power of Exercise

 In this eBook you will find the motivation to start a serious exercise program, to replace body fat by healthy muscles and increase your metabolism.

The Power of Exercise

One more important thing!

You can get the whole Interactive Course absolutely risk free. Go for it now!


100% No Risk, 180-Day Free Inspection
Money Back Guarantee!

If you aren't happy with the program, let me know and you'll get a full refund. Period. Take 180 FULL DAYS to test drive this system. Your investment IS 100% guaranteed. In fact, if after doing the exercises my system doesn't completely change your mind, I insist you let me know and get a full and complete refund.

With my 180-DAY FREE INSPECTION GUARANTEE you have 180 FULL DAYS to review the materials. I give you 6 full MONTHS to look everything over in the convenience and privacy of your home or office and make your own decision. You'll instantly get the entire system, and ALL the bonuses (yours to keep whether you ask for a refund or not!).

Ask yourself this question: Would I make a guarantee like this, if I didn't think my system would far exceed your expectations? I know my Personal Development system will work for you. That's why I offer you such a rock-solid guarantee. The Bottom Line: You Either Are Happy With My System, Or It Won't Cost You A Dime!

I want you to practice this holistic approach to wellness and happiness. Remember that this program is not designed to be just read, but to be experienced. I offer the challenge of reshaping your self-image, discovering your true potential and becoming your best self.


Boris Clair

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Copyright © 1998 -  by Boris Clair - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED