| 3 lines of defence in treating hyperpigmentation

In partnership with SA’s top medical aesthetic companies 

As discussed in 5 possible causes of pigmentation problems, the type of pigmentation – and whether it’s superficial (epidermal) or deep-seated (dermal), or even both – determines how this common and distressing problem should be treated.

The aim of all treatments is to break down and remove existing pigmentation and to prevent new pigmentation from forming. How they achieve this, however, differs in the techniques used, intensity of treatment,and also the cost of treatment.

First line of defence: Superficial options

Using a safe and effective cosmeceutical skin treatment is your most accessible option, and will often be used alongside any other form of treatment, as well as for aftercare.

NeoStrata’s Enlighten range is a complete skincare routine, from cleanser to serum, which work together to provide lasting brightening and skin tone evening-out results. The dermatologist-recommended range uses advanced ingredients to tackle the various causes of hyperpigmentation.

The star product, Enlighten Illuminating Serum, contains 12 active brighteners (both patented and clinically proven) that target six pigment control systems to help break up and reduce the appearance of existing pigmentation and discourage new spots from forming.

Obagi Medical’s Nu-Derm Fx system penetrates the skin’s surface to correct the damage within, zeroing in on age spots, hyperpigmentation, skin yellowing and redness, as well as roughness. Available in systems for Normal to Dry and Normal to Oily skin, Obagi Nu-Derm is so effective because of the active ingredient,  Arbutin which is present in a 7% concentration. This natural hydroquinone derivative extracted from bearberries is a very powerful lightening agent that helps to eliminate and fade those unwanted dark marks.

Sun protection is your absolute essential when dealing with hyperpigmentation. You will find the superior sunscreen solutions you need on the Online Skin Care Shop.  

Second line: Getting under your skin

When dealing with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on skin that has been physically damaged or inflamed by disorders like acne, you probably need a combined strategy of skincare, peels and/or injectables:

NeoStrata ProSystem Free-Glycolic Peel is a medical system of peels that can only be used under the supervision of an aesthetic doctor.

NeoStrata, pioneers in AHA and the use of glycolic acid, have devised a system of glycolic acid peels that vary in strength from 20% to 70% – the appropriate strength is used to suit your skin. The peel works to thin out the outer most layer of skin and plump up the living layers of the epidermis. This helps even out skin tone and pigmentation and decreases fine lines and wrinkles. It is perfect for all skin tones and skin types, including sensitive skin. Usually a course of four to six peels spaced four weeks apart is recommended to see a clinical result or outcome.

The other option (which can be used alongside peels) is injectables such as Mesotherapy. Used correctly, tiny amounts of active ingredient (in this case pigmentation-busting TA) are delivered directly into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin) by micro injections to target hyperpigmentation. For needle-phobes, transdermal mesotherapy, where the ingredients are pushed in to the skin with current rather than needles, is also an option.

The third line: Bring out the big guns

For severe pigmentation or dermal pigmentation (or if you have superficial pigmentation but no budget restrictions), treatments such as the Platelet Rich Plasma (vampire facial), lasers such as the Fraxel DUAL and lights have the ability to reach the deepest layers of the dermis, addressing pigmentation issues at the deepest levels.

The Fraxel™ DUAL incorporates two lasers in one: the original 1550nm restores wavelength, targets skin texture and improves deep lines and acne scars, while the addition of the 1927 Thulium laser ensures that all forms of pigmentation can be treated. This gentle, FDA-approved treatment resurfaces the skin from the inside out, showing dramatic results in the treatment of sun damage and pigmentation with hardly any downtime. 

Dr. Maureen Allem, founder of Skin Renewal says: “It is quite a challenge to try and sort out all your ageing concerns in the same treatment session, but every so often aesthetic technology leaps ahead and gives us a gem like the Fraxel™ DUAL.”

The two lasers can be used together or separately, and show results in as little as two to three treatments.

Other light therapies that work effectively to treat dark pigmentation marks include: 

Laser Genesis: award-winning, non-invasive light therapy that effectively treats dark marks, uneven texture and blemishes without pain or downtime
Limelight: non-invasive IPL specifically for brown and red marks
Photo Genesis: the super-safe, next-generation IPL photo rejuvenation
Pearl rejuvenation laser: gives you very targeted skin resurfacing, without weeping skin or significant downtime. Suitable for fair to medium-depth complexions.


Visit the skin experts at Skin Renewal branches to identify your type of pigmentation and discover your treatment options both in salon and at home. Find out more at and on the Online Skin Shop.

Share Button | 7 tips on how to eat out with IBS

Crippling stomach cramps, diarrhoea or constipation and an intolerance to certain foods can turn any dining experience or social event involving food and drinks into a nightmare.

Luckily there are tips to improve your dining experience when suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

IBS  is the term used for a spastic colon. According to Health24, the common symptoms of IBS are:

  • Excessive gas 
  • Bloating
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Nausea
  • A change in bowel movements (diarrhoea or constipation), which often brings a sense of relief to abdominal pain

There are several causes of IBS, which can be aggravated by foods containing FODMAPs, an acronym that stands for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols”. This basically means certain foods such as dairy products, legumes and fruit. Not everyone with IBS is FODMAP intolerant, but it is certainly common. To lessen symptoms of IBS, nutritionists advise patients to eliminate FODMAPs from their diet.

1. Plan ahead

If you are invited to a restaurant, research the menu online for meal options. Check out the gluten-free options on the menu. At a steakhouse, it’s easy  to order a wheat-free, dairy-free (which is known to trigger symptoms) options such as a portion of grilled meat with a side of veggies or salad. If you do have special requests, call ahead and explain your dietary preferences. Most restaurants will be happy to adapt a meal for you.

eating out with IBS


2. Treat the symptoms

If you know what to expect, lessen your symptoms with over-the-counter remedies. If you know you are prone to diarrhoea, have medicine at hand to treat this. That way, you can be prepared if your symptoms appear when you are out. 

Eating out with IBS

3. Steer clear of the sauces

IBS-triggering FODMAPS are often hidden in sauces and condiments. If a portion of meat is marinated, ask the waiter if the chef can prepare your meat without the marinade. Stick to olive oil and lemon juice to add flavour to your salads. 

eat out with IBS

4. Locate the restroom

Scout the venue beforehand to know where the restroom is located. That way, you can relax and know where to go once your stomach starts acting up.

eating out with IBS

5. Drink smart

Alcohol, caffeine and dairy products are the worst culprits for triggering IBS. Stick to drinks you are comfortable with. Drink plenty of water throughout the night to keep the bloat at bay. Although some alcoholic beverages are more likely to trigger IBS than others, people react differently to different beverages. Stick to what you know. 

Eating out with IBS

6. Have an exit strategy

If you know your symptoms will flare up, arrange your own transport or inform your partner so that you can leave the party or event whenever you start feeling uncomfortable. 

eat out with IBS


7. Focus on the company

Breathe, relax and enjoy the presence of the people surrounding you. Don’t make the event all about the food, but rather focus on the conversation and the company.

Eat out with IBS

Read more:

Beating IBS with the low fodmap diet

Do you suffer from IBS?

IBS changes brain structure

Share Button | National Health Insurance approved and gazetted

The National Health Insurance (NHI) white paper will finally be gazetted today (Friday, 30 June 2017) after being approved by Cabinet last week.

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi announced on Thursday at a press conference in Pretoria that plans were still under way to use tax credits on medical aids, that add up to R20 billion per year, to fund initial priority areas of the NHI.

Some people will be upset

These priority areas include dental care, spectacles, hearing aids and speech therapists for school-going children who suffer from physical barriers to learning. The Department of Health conducted an audit of about 3.2 million children and found approximately 500 000, disproportionately from poorer schools, suffered from one or more of these barriers.

“We need to massively reorganise the health system… [And this] will upset some,” he said.

He said that tax rebates, given to medical scheme members annually, serve to make the rich even richer and need to be used to assist the poor. He said his office had had negotiations with National Treasury on the earmarking of these rebates since former Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan suggested they be used for the NHI in his February budget speech.

“The ball is now in the Treasury’s court,” said Motsoaledi.

Along with substantive changes to legislation, he said that, under the NHI, teaching hospitals would become more autonomous and report directly to the National Department instead of the current provincial system.

No one will be turned away

Last week he told Health-e News these intuitions are “national treasures” and should be given the power to spend on what they need without having to deal with budget and bureaucratic restrictions.

According to the Health Ministry the NHI is, by definition, a “health financing system that pools funds to provide access to quality health care services to all South Africans, based on their health needs and irrespective of their socio-economic status”.

He said it would function like a big medical scheme, but that it would be different because everyone would have to contribute and no-one could be turned away based on their financial status.

“People in medical aids are stratified. The higher your position is, the higher your salary is, the better health package you are given,” he said. “But that type of system cannot be allowed. Because high blood pressure is high blood pressure [regardless].”

He lamented the fact that 80% of the country’s specialists serve the private sector where only 16 percent of the population have access to care. The state also shoulders the entire tuberculosis treatment and care burden, despite it being South Africa’s number one infectious disease killer.

“Some think we are driven by ideology, but we are driven by simple facts like this,” he said. “It’s wrong and the whole world knows it’s wrong.” – Health-e News.

Read more:

10 NHI facts

Medical scheme tax credit a step towards NHI

NHI reflects global trend


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Charlie Gard: Life support to be turned off, parents say

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