New antibody attacks 99% of HIV strains

It will enter clinical trials to prevent and treat the infection next year.

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New technique accurately digitizes transparent objects

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Share Button | This 4-minute workout will burn fat like crazy

Tabata training is the hipster of the fitness world. Pioneered by Dr Izumi Tabata, it had athletes doing high-intensity intervals long before they were cool. How it works is simple: You do 20 seconds of all-out effort, then rest for 10 seconds. You repeat this pattern eight times, which takes you to four minutes. Then you find a quiet corner to curl up and cry because it is that intense.

Burn fat like a furnace

Since Izumi Tabata first published his findings back in the mid-90s, numerous studies have confirmed that Tabata’s super-short, intense workouts improve cardio fitness and help you burn fat by revving your metabolism for hours after you leave the gym. In fact,  test subjects following the Tabata Protocol consistently get better cardio fitness gains than control groups doing steady-state cardio. But don’t try and train like this every day – your body needs time to recover from working so intensely, so two or three times a week max.

Read more: Find your weight-loss personality and keep weight off for good.

How it works

While the treadmill or stationary bike are obvious choices, you can use Tabata Protocol with any exercise that lends itself to intense repetitions. The trick is you have to go all out for those 20 seconds – no holding back. “This is HIT, high-intensity training – there’s no second ‘I’ in there, you don’t get rest intervals,” says Ceri Hannan, national product development manager at Virgin Active. We tested this Tabata bodyweight circuit as part of Virgin Active’s Grid Test class. The exercises are based on the seven primal movement patterns for humans, so you’re not only getting a killer cardio workout, you’re also getting full-body muscle activation.

Read more: Exactly how to blast more fat on the treadmill

Do it

You’ll need: A timer, a TRX suspension trainer or low bar, a box, a grid marked out on the floor (about 2m x 1.5m). Set up all your equipment in advance, so you can move between stations quickly.

Do the exercises in order. For each exercise, do as many reps as you can for 20 seconds. You then have 10 seconds to get to the next station and in position. Once you’ve completed all exercises, you’re done – literally and figuratively! Count your reps and try to do more next time.

Your moves

1 Bodyweight Row


Hold the bar or handles of the TRX with an overhand grip, palms down, arms extended. Tighten your tummy and bum cheeks to keep your body in a straight line and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull your chest to your hands. That’s one rep. TIP: Use a rowing machine instead and count calories burnt as your score.

2 Hand Release Push-Ups


Get in the top of a push-up position, hands in line with your shoulders, tummy and bum cheeks tight. Lower your chest all the way to the floor and briefly lift your hands. Push back up to start, keeping that body straight. That’s one rep.

3 Grid Corners


Starting in one corner of your grid, sprint to the diagonally opposite corner and touch the ground. That’s one rep. Continue sprinting between corners.

4 Box Jumps


Stand in front of a box that’s about knee height. Lower into a half squat and swing your arms for momentum as you jump, landing with both feet simultaneously on the box. Drop into a squat as you land, then immediately stand up in a full extension. Step back to start.

5 Hand-Release Burpees


From standing, squat down and put your hands on the floor, then jump or step your feet back into push-up position. Lower your chest to the floor, briefly release your hands, then reverse the movement back to start. That’s one rep. Aim for a fluid, continuous movement.

6 Grid Sprints


Standing on one line of your grid, sprint across the opposite line, then jog backwards across the line you started on. That’s one rep.

7 Split Squats


With hands on your hips or holding weights at your sides, take a big step forward with one leg. Keeping your tummy tight and torso upright, bend your knees to lower your body until your back knee touches the ground. Push back to start. That’s one rep. After 10 seconds, swap legs.

8 180-Degree Jumps


Straddle one line of your grid. Jump up, twisting in the air so you land facing backwards. That’s one rep. Reverse the movement back to start.

This article was originally published on

Image credit: iStock


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Chronic fatigue therapy ‘could help teenagers’, study says

But ME charities said using children and young people in trials like this could damage their lives and health.

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Quit smoking campaign Stoptober backs e-cigs for first time

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Share Button | 5 ways runners mess up their teeth

It might be obvious to your dentist that you’re a runner the moment you slide into the chair. Those trainers and the Garmin are dead giveaways.

But, even in the absence of external cues, the dentist might be able to tell as soon as you open your mouth.

“Running can be a really tough sport for your oral health,” says dentist Elizabeth Turner. In fact, a small study of triathletes published in The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found higher rates of erosion and cavities with heavier endurance training.

Here’s what dentists might be seeing on runners’ teeth – and what they wish runners would do to take care of them.

1. Overdoing it on sugar in the name of fuelling

The gels, chews, and sports drinks that fuel your workout also feed bacteria that occur naturally in your mouth, says Jeremy Hoffman, a dentist and runner. As these bugs dine, they produce an acid that eats away at the protective enamel covering your teeth.

To your dentist, this decay looks like white, chalky lines, he says. If you constantly swill sports drinks, it might appear at the base of your teeth where they meet the gums. Or it might show up where liquid splashes over your front teeth, otherwise an uncommon area for cavities, says dentist Bridget Lyons who competed in the 2016 US Olympic Marathon Trials. Turner had an ultra-runner patient who put energy blocks in her cheek and let them dissolve during training and races; she arrived for her appointment with multiple small cavities between her teeth.

The fix: Regardless of your sugar delivery method, you can protect your teeth by swishing your mouth out with water immediately after you ingest it, says Julia Burchett, a dentist and marathoner in Maryland. A healthy diet and plenty of non-sugary beverages during the rest of your day can also give your mouth a respite, reducing your cavity risk, Hoffman says.

If you’re cavity-prone, consider using gels with a thinner consistency that don’t stick to your teeth, he says. And seek out flavours without citric or tartaric acid – these compounds, which give sour or tart foods their flavour, can further erode your enamel with frequent or extended use.

2. Forgetting what happens when you’re a mouth breather

Many runners are mouth-breathers, a habit that can leave you a bit dried out. Less spit means more cavities, Hoffman says, because saliva washes away debris and also neutralises acids from food and bacteria.

During high-intensity training, the composition and consistency of your saliva changes. “Instead of being more fluid and lubricating for your mouth, it’s more sticky and mucous-like,” Turner says. In this state, it can trap decay-causing sugars and acids instead of rinsing them away.

The fix: Again, drinking water – or just rinsing with it – can rehydrate your whole body and restore your balance. Chewing sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol, can also help, Turner says. While she chews it on the run, you don’t have to; four to five pieces anytime throughout the day can prevent plaque from building up on your teeth, she says.

3. Breaking the work you’ve already had done

Sticky chews and dense protein bars can damage crowns and fillings. After all, the cement that holds these structures in place is weaker than your natural tooth and bone, Hoffman says. That means it’s far easier for gooey or hard foods to compromise them.

The fix: If you have had extensive dental work, exercise extra caution when chewing on sticky or crunchy foods, Lyons recommends. Or experiment with real foods to fuel your workouts, such as bananas or peanut butter energy bites.

4. Using your teeth to open up packets

This one is self-explanatory, and yes, Lyons has seen patients chip their teeth in this way.

The fix: Just don’t tempt fate, regardless of your dental history. You’re asking for trouble.

5. Grinding at night and during workouts

Type-A runners often clench their jaws or grind their teeth, especially at night or during tough speed sessions. While some companies sell athletic mouth guards, Burchett says she’s never seen anyone wear one to the track.

The fix: “One thing that is helpful is to concentrate on relaxing your face, relaxing your shoulders, relaxing your arms so you’re not so tense,” Lyons says. “If you can get back to that relaxed place in the workout, then I think that helps your teeth and also helps you run faster.”

If you do grind at night – symptoms include pain and stiffness when you wake up and flattened, loose teeth – talk to your dentist. Wearing a night guard can help you sleep better, always an advantage for runners. You’ll wake up refreshed and with less wear and tear on your molars and canines, Turner says.

 his article originally appeared on

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Share Button | This is exactly how your weight affects your sex life

Research reveals that your relationship could be tested when your waistline – or your guy’s – begins to grow (or even shrink). Learn to maintain a strong and loving union, scale be damned.

Sitting on my boyfriend’s lap at a bar in our hometown a few months ago, I was feeling a little sassy and started whispering sweet (and by sweet, I mean salaciously dirty) nothings into his ear. Playing along, he went to give my ass a flirtatious squeeze – a move he’s favoured since we started dating a year ago – but, instead, managed to grab a handful of my ample lower back. Yep, definitely not my butt.

Read more: ‘I watched porn with my partner for the first time – here’s what happened”

Admittedly, by swapping yoga classes for cocktails with my man, I had put on some “happy weight” – those kilos people add when they’re blissfully head over heels – or what Channing Tatum calls “fappy”, for fat and happy. My guy said he adored my new curves, but they were making me self-conscious. And that love-handle grab didn’t help.

Insecurities are nothing new, but as Sarah Varney reveals in her book, XL Love: How the Obesity Crisis is Complicating America’s Love Life, new evidence suggests that when a partner gains or loses a considerable amount, the shift can push a rock-solid bond onto shaky ground. But not always: research also shows that lots of couples manage to remain tight in the face of weight change. Follow these strategies to stay hot and heavy with your partner – no matter what the scale says.

Team up

Love can send emotions – and dress sizes – soaring. Experts blame spousal concordance, the phenomenon in which partners gradually adopt the same rituals, for better or for worse. Have you submitted to his Sunday TV binge-watching routine? Joined his late-night McDonalds runs? You’ve fallen prey to spousal concordance. Melding your worlds creates intimacy, but it’s also one reason why happy couples tend to gain weight, according to a Health Psychology study. While adding a few extra kilos isn’t so bad, starting unhealthy habits is. “Asking your partner to encourage healthy habits and discourage destructive ones can help motivate you,” says Joburg-based clinical psychologist Liane Lurie.

Read more: “I cheated on my husband – and this is why I did it”

Her advice is also critical for twosomes who are challenging themselves to lose in dangerous ways because they think their partner won’t be attracted to them otherwise. “Perhaps the words ‘For fatter, for thinner’ should be added to our modern-day marriage vows,” says Lurie. If you both need to get back on a healthier track, set small goals you can achieve together: commit to taking a 15-minute walk or run together every weekend morning, or swap takeaways (whether fast food or green juice) twice a week for a home-cooked dinner.

sex, health

Own those curves

Unfair, but true: relationships can get extra tricky when one partner expands but the other doesn’t – especially if the gainer is the woman. A study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that husbands and wives are both more content when the wife’s BMI is lower than the husband’s – even if she’s still overweight. “A less-heavy wife could make a man believe that he’s done well on the mate market,” says study author Dr Benjamin Karney.

But what if you’re the buff one? Take heart: size isn’t the only predictor of relationship success; sex and communication count too. In fact, what’s far more important than your comparative proportions, is how you feel about your body.

Read more: This is how long most couples date before getting married

Joburger Dawn Tlhapane had always been petite, but after dating her guy for a while, she started gaining weight, and went from a size 28 to 32. “I was worried he wouldn’t find me as sexy,” she says. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that whether women were tiny or voluptuous, those with a poor body image were less sexually fulfilled, likely because they were too hung up on how they looked during the deed to actually enjoy it.

Since that’s no fun, it’s crucial to work on improving your confidence. “I eventually confronted my guy and, it turns out, he thought I looked beautiful with a few extra kilos,” says Dawn. “It actually brought us closer together.” “Every time your partner compliments you, thank them and repeat the compliment in your head, even if you don’t believe it,” suggests Dr Jessica O’Reilly, author of The New Sex Bible: The New Guide to Sexual Love. Then keep those good vibes going in the bedroom. “Everyone looks hot from behind and there’s no such thing as a bad close-up of boobs,” insists O’Reilly, so try reverse cowgirl: get on top, facing his feet, and roll your hips in a circular motion to get you both off.

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Support his weight

Dudes don’t have it easier: they often care about their weight as much as we do. One guy we spoke to gained nine kilos while dating his now-ex. “I found myself wondering why anyone would want to have sex with me,” he says. It can be easy to pin your guy’s weight troubles on a pre-existing problem you have with him. So, what was once a peeve about his messiness can morph into: “He’s lazy. And it’s showing.”

Read more: THIS sex trend is more popular in relationships than ever before

If your guy is slimming down, you might interpret that the wrong way too: Is he getting ready to leave me? Not necessarily. Your guy may be going through the same thing. Capetonian Basha Taylor, 35, says dropping 64kg has refreshed her 14-year marriage. “I feel sexier, have more energy and want to be outdoors,” she says. Basha and her husband use this to their advantage, watching the sun set from the sand dunes every Sunday… “My husband spoils me now; I’ve never seen that side of him.” Rather than take his shape-shifting as a sign that you’re growing apart, think about what might have caused it. And be supportive – just as you’d want him to be if you put on some extra padding.

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Sweet therapy

It’s a fact: exercising together can improve your bod and your bond. Research has shown that after participating in an exciting joint physical challenge or novel activity, many couples reported feeling happier in their relationships. And a recent survey revealed that 85 percent of duos who work out together said that it has improved their union, with one in five claiming that it “saved their relationship altogether”. Visiting a hiking trail versus a couples’ therapist? Far less pricey, that’s for sure.

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This article originally appeared on

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