The Cold Remedies Doctors Say You Shouldn’t Bother With

The average person catches two to four colds a year, which means most of us will suffer through roughly 200 colds in our lifetime.

With so many snotty struggles ahead of us each year, what remedies can we rely on to help us feel better fast? And do any of those viral cold cures we’ve seen online actually work?

That’s what we — Raj Punjabi and Noah Michelson, the co-hosts of HuffPost’s “Am I Doing It Wrong?” podcast — recently asked Dr. Natasha Bhuyan, a family physician and medical director of OneMedical.

“I have patients ask me all the time about [unusual] cold cures because they want to get better fast,” Dr. Bhuyan said. “One of the things I’ve heard about recently is garlic cloves up the nose. I think it’s this idea of garlic cloves acting as a decongestant. Garlic cloves up the nose can actually be really dangerous and can really irritate your nasal passages.”

Other unorthodox remedies she’s encountered involve an unexpected article of clothing.

“The other things I’ve heard about have always been related to socks,” she revealed. “One [“remedy”] is go to bed wearing wet socks. The other is put sliced up potatoes inside your socks and go to bed. It’s this thought that it’ll pull the cold virus into your feet and out of your body.”

Despite how popular these so-called “treatments” may be, there’s no evidence that any of them work.

“Some of these ‘remedies,’ at best, you laugh at them, but at worst, they can really be dangerous for people,” Dr. Bhuyan noted.

So how can we safely find some relief if we’ve been struck down by a nasty cold?

“The studies on vitamin C are pretty mixed,” Dr. Bhuyan said. “They’ve found that if you take vitamin C regularly, you might be able to reduce the duration of a cold by half a day. Does that mean that everybody should go out and start taking a vitamin C supplement? Not exactly, because even within those studies, they found there were differences on the optimal dose. Reaching for vitamin C at the first sign of a cold likely won’t help. Taking vitamin C regularly might help shorten a cold’s duration if you get a cold, but you see that’s couched in a lot of ‘ifs,’ and it might not be worth the bang for your buck.”

What about taking zinc?

“The zinc trials are not that great and the reason why is because zinc actually tastes pretty terrible,” Dr. Bhuyan said. “So, if you’re trying to do a trial and giving half the people zinc and half the people a placebo, the placebo group knows they have a placebo because we can’t make a compound that tastes as terrible as zinc.”

Zinc also comes with a lot of side effects.

“People can get nausea from taking zinc on an empty stomach. People can get upset stomachs. All of those things point to zinc coming with its own risks.”

However, it might actually help shorten a cold, even if only by a day or two.

“There are trials that show that if you take zinc at the first sign of a cough or a cold or you’re feeling a scratchy throat, [taking] 10 to 15 milligrams of zinc might reduce the duration of a cold,” Dr. Bhuyan said.

Dr. Bhuyan told us that if we want to try a particular remedy, it’s always a good idea to chat with our doctor first, and, ultimately, our best weapons to feel better when we have a cold are the simplest ones — and they’re both free.

“Water is helpful because it can help break up your mucus. Staying hydrated and giving yourself water is a good idea,” Dr. Bhuyan advised. “It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to stave off the cold or prevent the cold, but I tell people rest and fluids is really the key.”

We also chatted about what happens if we eat dairy when we have a cold, why a hot toddy might not be the best drink choice if we’re feeling under the weather, and much more.

After you’ve had a listen to the full episode above or wherever you get your podcasts, subscribe to “Am I Doing It Wrong?” so you don’t miss a single episode, including our investigations of the ins and outs of tipping, how to score the best deals on airline tickets, how to apologise or vanquish your credit card debt, how to find love online or overcome anxiety, online shopping, tips for taking care of your teeth, pooping like a pro, secrets to booking and staying in a hotel, how to deal with an angry person, cooking tips from celebrity chef Jet Tila, shocking laundry secrets. and more.

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Should I Be Worried If My Cold Lasts Longer Than 2 Weeks?

The common cold can be pretty uncomfortable. If you have one, you are likely experiencing a combo of miserable symptoms like a sore throat, stuffy nose and body aches that can feel like they go on forever.

Although many of us managed to avoid some rough bugs in the last few years due to restrictions like masking and social distancing, that is no longer the case. More and more people are getting sick with non-COVID illnesses that sometimes stretch on for weeks.

“Colds usually last three to ten days, but in some instances, you may be experiencing symptoms for three to four weeks,” said Dr. R. Peter Manes, an otolaryngologist at Yale Medicine.

While it is totally normal for a cold to hang on longer than two weeks, there are some things you should be aware of to make sure the prolonged symptoms aren’t a sign of something more serious. Here’s what to know if your sickness just won’t go away:

First, test to make sure your cold is not a sign of another illness

“COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) all spread in similar ways and have symptoms that overlap with those of the common cold,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, a clinical professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

By the time people reach their teen years, they have a sense of what a typical cold feels like, Manes said. However, the symptoms can be conflated with other illnesses like COVID. It’s always best to test to see what you’ve got.

While most people are familiar with at-home COVID tests, there’s also an option to request at-home kits where you send your sample off to a lab to test for the flu and RSV along with COVID-19. You can also visit your doctor, who can run the tests for you.

Pay attention to your symptoms

If you’ve ruled out other infections but your symptoms are progressively getting worse, this could be unrelated to your cold, experts said.

For instance, symptoms like prolonged shortness of breath, wheezing or chest pain are not associated with a cold. “These could be a sign of an asthma attack, pneumonia, or in the case of chest pain, even a heart attack,” Manes said. If you have any of these signs, it is important to not dismiss them and to get medical attention immediately.

Even though the common cold is caused by viruses, another possibility is that you could be having a bacterial infection ― like pneumonia or sinusitis ― following your viral infection as the body can be transiently weakened by a cold, said Dr. Marwan Azar, an infectious diseases physician at Yale Medicine.

Individuals who are immunocompromised are likely to be predisposed to a secondary bacterial infection after going through a cold. See a physician if you have any associated symptoms of a bacterial infection, such as a cough with thick phlegm, significant facial pain or swelling, Azar recommended.

Pay attention to your symptoms and how they progress when you're sick.

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Pay attention to your symptoms and how they progress when you’re sick.

A long cold could be because of lingering inflammation

“If you have ongoing cold symptoms, such as a recurring cough or an irritated throat for longer than two weeks, it’s generally not because of a persistent infection but due to consequences of lingering inflammation from a cleared infection, specifically postnasal drip,” Azar said.

Postnasal drip occurs when your body produces mucus in the nasal and sinus cavities during a head cold and it drips down the back of your throat, leading to a tickle that prompts coughing. It takes time for your immune system to flush out all the mucus, so you may experience lasting congestion for a couple of days or even a week after the virus is no longer in your system.

This can get worse at night as the mucus can drip down more easily in a horizontal position, Azar said.

You also may not be giving yourself enough time to recover

Your symptoms may not go away if you’re not giving them a chance to resolve. Adhering to your normal, busy schedule ― one filled with long work hours, housework, exercise or social activities ― can prolong your symptoms. Make sure you’re adequately resting, hydrating, getting enough sleep and more.

If that’s a struggle for you, find one thing you can cross off your to-do list, like nixing your weekly workouts or forgoing a few chores for an extra hour of sleep. You can also try over-the-counter medications to help abate your symptoms so you can give yourself the best chance to recover.

See your doctor ASAP if you’re still not improving

If you’re treating your cold properly and your symptoms haven’t improved after three weeks, see a doctor.

Symptoms like wheezing with shortness of breath, lingering high fever, severe sore throat, and a cough that brings up considerable mucus, can be a sign of something serious if experienced for an extended period of time, so it’s important to get medical attention, Swartzberg said.

Your physician will be able to order tests for other illnesses (if you haven’t tested already) and conduct a physical exam to understand the severity of your symptoms. If left untreated, your symptoms can cause further complications and infection, so you’ll want to have it checked out.

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