Just Be Yourself? To Grow Faster, Do This Instead

Ever heard the advice to “just be yourself” and found it worthless? Me too!

Today’s new video shares a fresh take on how to engage with situations where you may feel like a fish out of water. I invite you to take a deeper look at your identity, self-concept, and mental and emotional flexibility. This compact video covers a lot of ground in only 9 minutes, and there are some fun surprises along the way. 😉

I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel because then you’ll have a better chance of catching my newest videos when they’re released. We’re coming up on 9300 subscribers and continuing to grow. Please share your comments on the new video too.

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The Most Counterintuitive Growth Skill

Here’s a new video for you to enjoy about an important self-development skill that people often overlook. It’s only 6 minutes and fast-paced throughout. I edited it with a very different style than I’ve ever done before, so you’re surely going to be surprised. Just watch the first 15 seconds to see if it resonates with you. It’s very direct and to-the-point… but with a twist.

If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel – I just passed 9200 subscribers – and please share your comments on the new video too.

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The Spiritual Meaning of Illness

Several days after I posted the 2024 Intentions video, I succumbed to an illness – fever, aches, pains, chills, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, nausea, etc. At Rachelle’s suggestion I took a COVID test – and tested positive. Whoa! This was my first time getting COVID (as far as I’m aware). I’ve been vaccinated and double-boosted, but my last booster was about 18 months ago. I guess I’m boosted now. 😷

While meditating on the meaning and purpose of this illness, I tried to tune in and communicate with the Spirit of COVID directly. This resulted in a fascinating dialogue, including the invitation to co-create this new video with COVID. I was feeling a little better at the time of the recording but still had a mild fever of 99.0º.

This may sound odd, but I dare say that I enjoyed having COVID – and not in a masochistic way. On a physical level, the symptoms were about what you’d expect, but since I spent more time interfacing with the experience at the spirit level, I related to it more meaningfully and purposefully. COVID’s visit was surprising at first, but it didn’t feel unwelcome or threatening. As I got extra rest and let my body recover, another part of me was fully engaged in listening and dialoguing. And that aspect of the experience was deep, rich, and even beautiful.

I realize now that I related to COVID much like a psychedelic experience. A psychedelic journey can create physical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, or vomiting, but that isn’t the real purpose of it. Similarly, I recognized that COVID didn’t just randomly show up to make me sick. I could put my focus (and thereby my intentionality) on the physical aspects, but I wasn’t limited to that framing. I saw that the symptoms were there to get my attention and to encourage me to physically rest, so I could focus on the inner experience of it and communicate with it.

COVID not only had a personal message to share with me, but it also invited me to channel a message to share with everyone. I included both in the video. COVID’s message to all starts at 10:05.

With this video I focused on fairly tight editing to make it efficient to watch, creative use of B-roll, integrating sound effects, a little humor, and some modest use of visual effects. None of the B-roll I used included sound, so all the sounds were added separately.

Enjoy the video! I also invite you to share your feedback in the YouTube comments.

The next video will be about my experience of going to see Depeche Mode in concert on December 1st while a bit shroomie. 🍄

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2024 Intentions

After nearly 20 years of blogging about self-development, this year I intend to contribute mainly through video instead of writing, which is a big change for me. I want this to be the first year that I publish more new videos than articles. I’ll still share new YouTube videos via my blog, but if you’re into YouTube, you may want to subscribe to my channel there.

In this first new video of 2024, I also reveal many other intentions; recent decisions; and updates about psychedelics explorations, Conscious Growth Club, the new Engage course, and more. I recorded this one mainly for long-term members of this community who are curious about where we’re headed next.

Why YouTube?

One reason I’m committed to investing in YouTubing is that I happen to like YouTube as a user. I’m not on Facebook, Instagram, X, or other social media platforms. I used to be active in those spaces, but I dropped them a long time ago because they all seemed too misaligned to me. I’ve been active in online communities for 30 years now, and I tend to be pretty sensitive to the overall quality, intelligence, and depth of engagements. I find it partly amusing that people have been expressing recent outrage at X (Twitter) after Elon took over because I declared it a cesspool and deleted my account in 2014. I was, however, a bit disappointed when Google Plus shut down since I happened to like that service; I liked that it attracted some pretty smart people who were a joy to connect with.

Even as I withdrew from other online spaces, I found myself using YouTube more and more each year. Today I use it pretty much daily, and I’m a YouTube Premium subscriber. I especially love it for educational videos but also for music and meditations. I think it’s one of the best learning resources the world has ever seen. And it’s so versatile too. Rachelle and I often watch Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel on YouTube while having lunch. I very much appreciate YouTube as a user, and I like the overall vibe I sense from it. I didn’t like it nearly as much in the past, but I feel that it’s been getting a lot better in recent years.

I also feel that YouTube has become a really nice place for communities these days. Many years ago YouTube comments were cesspools of trolling and spam; there was little value in them. But for most of the channels I encounter these days, the comments are civil and often interesting. I find myself engaging with other YouTubers more this way too. I have to give YouTube credit for really cleaning up their act.

Since 2017 Conscious Growth Club’s private community has been my sanctuary. I love high-trust, mutually supportive spaces where people can be honest and real with each other. Outside of CGC I’m feeling good resonance with YouTube. I’d really like to invest in YouTubing for many years going forward, and I really hope they don’t fuck it up! 😛

Partway through the new video, I mentioned building new Action Spirals. An Action Spiral is a habit or routine that you seek to improve each time you run through it. For 2024 I created a new video spiral that I want to continue evolving throughout this year and beyond. For each new video that I create, I want to do something better or different than in previous videos, so I can keep stretching myself to improve at sharing in this way.

I don’t intend to rehash old blog posts and turn them into videos because that isn’t a path with a heart for me. I’m very attuned to what motivates me, and I love to explore and share what’s fresh and new, even as I’m still figuring it out. My blog captures where I was at the time I wrote and published each article, but it doesn’t represent who I am now. I know some people still love the older content and would appreciate seeing video versions of it, but I don’t have any interest in doing that, so please adjust your expectations accordingly. I hope you understand.

As I noted in the video, there hasn’t been a whole lot of carry-over from my long-term blog readers to people who watch my YouTube videos. Typically when I share videos on my blog, it doesn’t generate many extra views on YouTube. Through blogging I’ve built an audience of readers. Some have carried over into YouTube viewers, but I’d say that mostly these are separate groups that don’t overlap a great deal.

I don’t think this is just a matter of a difference in media preference. I sense that investing in a YouTubing community is actually going to attract difference kinds of people than my blog has attracted in the past. I think the vibe of the community will be different. I also imagine that sooner or later, most of the new members flowing into CGC each year will first learn about it from YouTube, not from my blog, and I think that’s going to shift the vibe of CGC too – in a good way.

On the surface this is a bit like starting over, professionally speaking. I currently have fewer than 9K YouTube subscribers, which isn’t a lot, and I’m sure many of them aren’t engaging with my channel since I haven’t been publishing videos consistently yet. I started YouTubing in 2009 and have trickled out about 60 videos since then, but I haven’t really invested much in it since I first opened my account. Half of those videos were published during a 30-day stretch of water fasting and daily video creation in 2017, and they were all shot in single takes with bad lighting, cell phone audio, and no internal editing. Yet many people still appreciated them and kept asking me to make more videos.

To Video and Beyond

You might think this would be a relatively easy transition, especially since I’ve already created dozens of videos as well as live video courses. I’ve done plenty of public speaking, interviews, and more. However, this transition has been surprisingly deep and gradual. For well over a year I’ve been leaning in this direction, but it wasn’t till recently that I really reached my internal tipping point alignment-wise.

The shift in media is just the surface aspect. I’m also wanting to explore new directions topically, especially spirituality, relationships, karma, and way more about the nature of reality. I’m a lot less interested in very objective topics like basic productivity tips or how to graduate from college faster. I am very interested, however, in spirit-level insights that can be used to create interesting changes in our human lives. In recent months I’ve been exploring and experimenting a lot more in that direction.

Exploring psychedelics has impacted me profoundly as well, especially the past five months of micro- and mini-dosing. That’s opened up a whole new world of sensory input to say the least. In all my years of blogging, I’ve never had writer’s block because I’m very attuned to idea space, but now it feels like inner antenna has extended itself much further. It’s like I’ve been gifted with a cosmic library card.

This has really changed how I think about the “self” aspect of self-development. I’m still very into learning, growth, and exploration, but my curiosity is reaching a lot more into nonphysical aspects of existence.

Recently I also read the book Autobiography of a Yogi, which was powerful, eye-opening, and even amusing at times. There are some pretty advanced yogi tales in that book, including people who could fighting tigers bare-handed, teleport to different locations, come back from the dead, create physical structures with their minds, and not eat or drink anything for 50+ years. That’s the sort of info that very objective-minded people wouldn’t likely believe, but I can see them as being possible because the more basic stories align pretty well with my own experiences and the kind of downloads I’ve been getting. I feel like my 20-year exploration of Subjective Reality was just a baby step relative to what else might be possible, and I feel like I’ve recently gone through some kind of spiritual upgrade to be able to see more truth than I was previously permitted to access. The flow of synchronicities has been off the charts in recent weeks for starters.

Next I intend to read the Bhagavad Gita for the first time ever. I got the two-volume set with Paramahansa Yogananda’s commentary (1100+ pages) – he’s the author of Autobiography of a Yogi. I liked his writing style and have long thought about reading the Gita “someday.” I have this strange sense that this book called me to finally read it when I was ready for it. We’ll see how that unfolds…

I can tell that this is going to be a very interesting – and probably very unusual – year. I totally understand that some people won’t want to continue down this path together. Since I posted the new video yesterday, I’ve already lost 11 YouTube subscribers. That is as it’s meant to be. I’ll be sharing some info on this channel that many people aren’t supposed to encounter yet (since it would mess up their human journeys), so they’re going to be diverted away from it. Let’s give them some space to vibe out – with love and appreciation – and then we’ll get into some fascinating and adventurous explorations together this year. 😄

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Beyond Bravery: The Trust Bridge to Genuine Courage

Here’s a new 8-minute video I created to share a harmonious way to build and exercise your courage – one that doesn’t require pushing through fear and resistance.

If you watch the video, I invite you to post a comment on YouTube to let me know your thoughts about the relationship between trust and courage in your life.

Enjoy! 😀

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Discover Clarity: Illuminate Your Way to Happiness

Are you seeking more clarity and direction in your life? I recorded this new video to share insights and guidance on how to let go of confusion, ambivalence, and resistance, empowering you to create a clear path forward. I put a lot of thought into it – I hope you enjoy it!

If you watch the video, I invite you to post a comment on YouTube to let me know your thoughts about the role of clarity in your life.

I enjoyed the creative process of making this one and recorded the whole 20 minutes in a single take – no retakes. That made the editing especially easy. I used Stable Diffusion to create the forest background in the thumbnail image.

I’ve been working hard on improving my video production skills, including investing in some upgrades to my home studio. I felt that lighting had long been my weakest area, so I’ve been seeking to patiently transform that into a strength through many hours of experimentation. I actually used 7 different lights to make this one. This is especially challenging since I’m color blind, but Rachelle helps me out with with picking the colors, which I very much appreciate. 😀

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Today’s Your Last Chance: Transform Your Life with Conscious Growth Club Year 7 🌟

Today marks the final day to join Conscious Growth Club (CGC) for Year 7, and we want to ensure you don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity. The enrollment period ends at midnight Pacific Time tonight, May 1st. If you’ve been on the fence about joining, now is the time to take action and become a part of our amazing, transformative community.

Throughout the years, our members have experienced significant personal growth, from starting new businesses to achieving their health goals, and even embarking on life-changing adventures. CGC has been instrumental in providing the support, resources, and connections needed to help our members create these powerful transformations in their lives.

As the enrollment deadline approaches, we’re excited to share that we’ve welcomed 30 members to CGC Year 7 so far. Our community is buzzing with anticipation for the growth, connections, and adventures we’ll share together in the upcoming year.

Joining CGC offers a unique opportunity to accelerate your personal growth journey. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to a supportive and inspiring community, diverse learning opportunities, enhanced accountability, and so much more. We have exciting new call formats and improvements for CGC Year 7, which I’ve shared previously on my blog.

To help you better understand the CGC experience and the benefits of joining our vibrant community, I’ve created two informative videos:

A video highlighting 20 powerful benefits of joining CGC (13 minutes):

A video about the community aspects of CGC (12 minutes):

You may also want to peruse the CGC FAQ for even more info about the club. We’ve carefully crafted this resource to address a variety of topics, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. There’s even a walkthrough video showing the CGC portal and private forums (see the second FAQ item).

One of the key benefits of joining CGC is the accountability it provides. Members are encouraged to share their goals, progress, and challenges with the community, fostering a strong sense of support and camaraderie. This level of accountability can be a game-changer, helping you to stay focused and committed to your personal growth journey.

Don’t miss this once-a-year opportunity to join Conscious Growth Club and embrace the growth, connection, and transformation it offers. We’re here to support you every step of the way in a warm and nurturing environment.

Are you ready to embark on your personal growth journey with CGC? Join now and secure your spot in CGC Year 7 before the enrollment window closes tonight!

Join CGC Year 7 Now

To your continued growth and success! 🌟

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20 Powerful Benefits of Joining Conscious Growth Club

The deadline to join Conscious Growth Club is tomorrow, May 1st, and we always get a surge in sign-ups that day. To make your decision easier and give you even more clarity about CGC, I recorded a succinct new video, focusing specifically on the personal impact of being a part of this vibrant community. This is a follow-up to our previous video, which highlighted the community aspects of CGC. Now, let’s dive deeper into how CGC can help you flourish, transforming your life in meaningful ways.

Seize this once-a-year opportunity to join CGC during our annual enrollment period, which comes to a close at the end of May 1, 2023.

Discover more about the enriching personal benefits of joining Conscious Growth Club and how it can support you in developing focus, consistency, and accountability; enhancing your personal growth journey, and cultivating a life filled with abundance, joy, and authentic experiences. Visit our invitation page for more information:

Learn More About CGC

I’m genuinely excited to welcome you into our community and embark on this transformative journey together! Here’s to an awesome Year 7! ❤️

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Unlock Your Full Potential with Conscious Growth Club – Join Us for Year 7! 🌟

Are you ready for a transformative and adventure-filled year? In this fun and playful video, I invite you to join us for the 7th year of Conscious Growth Club (CGC), a unique self-development community that has been changing lives since 2017. Take a moment to watch the video and learn about the incredible experiences and connections that await you within CGC.

Don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity to join CGC during our annual enrollment period, which ends on May 1, 2023.

Discover more about Conscious Growth Club and how it can help you get unstuck, amp up your freedom, and create a flowing relationship with life by visiting our invitation page:

Learn More About CGC

I’m excited to see you inside and embark on this transformative journey together! ❤️

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A Message From Your Simulator

Here’s a video version of the invitation to explore Subjective Reality with us in the Submersion Social Deep Dive. So far 317 people are signed up – with more still enrolling in the final hours before the deadline.

Enroll in Submersion by November 3, 2022 since we begin the live calls at 10 AM Pacific time on Friday, November 4.

I’ll see you inside!

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