Is Period Underwear Right For Your Kid?

If you have a child who’s going to menstruate, it’s possible that they’ve started thinking about it before you have. Whether they’re excited to experience this rite of passage or anxious about the possibility of embarrassing leaks, tweens and teens today have more resources and options available to them than we did at their age.

One potentially helpful innovation is period underwear.

Period underwear has been a great revolution, especially for young people,” Dr. Meredith Wise, an Ob/Gyn at the University of North Carolina, told HuffPost.

They’re discreet; they look like normal underwear, but have a highly-absorbent lining that holds liquid. They also generate less waste than pads and tampons, which appeals to young people who are concerned about the impact their choices have on the environment.

One of the first period underwear brands to come on the market was Thinx, which has a product line designed for teens. Of course, if you decide to go this route, your teen should wear whichever period underwear works best for them, regardless of how it’s marketed. Other brands include: Aisle, Cora, Proof, Rael, Saalt and The Period Company. Knix and Modibodi sell period swimwear in addition to period underwear.

Felicia Macdonald, VP of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs at Thinx, told HuffPost that their product is made with cotton and “can hold up to five tampons or two-and-a-half regular pads’ worth of flow.”

“They’re just as comfy as regular undies and can be worn alone or as back up with other period products for extra leak protection,” she continued.

If your child’s cycles are regular (note that irregular cycles aren’t abnormal), they can wear the underwear in anticipation of their period starting, or as often as they like.

The main disadvantage of period underwear is that it isn’t cheap. Of course, neither is a year’s worth of disposable menstrual products — but you don’t have to pay for all of those up front, and, increasingly, schools and other institutions are making them available for free in restrooms.

Depending on how many pairs you need per day and how often you’re able to wash them, building up a stash of period underwear costs considerably more than a 6-pack of briefs from your local big box store. Prices range from $12-39 per pair.

If your kid needs to change pairs midday to manage their flow, then they’ll have to carry a used pair around with them to bring home.

Some young people may not be too keen on taking care of clothing with different washing and drying instructions than their other clothes. And some parents may end up with a little more work added to their laundry duties.

To get the longest life out of period underwear, you’ll need to follow the manufacturer’s care instructions. Thinx recommends washing their underwear on a cold, delicate machine cycle, or by hand, using mild detergent, then hanging or lying flat to dry. When cared for properly, Thinx says their underwear will last for 40 washes, or approximately two years of use.

Some users also rinse their underwear in the sink or shower before washing. Avoid fabric softeners, bleach and the dryer. It’s okay to wash your underwear with other clothing — the blood won’t stain the other items in the washer.

If you do choose to buy period underwear for your child, it’s not a bad idea to also teach them how to do laundry. Ellen Friedrichs, health educator in Brooklyn and the author of “Good Sexual Citizenship: How To Create A (Sexually) Safer World,” says that the pre-pubescent years are a great time for this, if you’re lucky enough to have a washing machine at home.

This helps “to give them body privacy, not to help you out as a grown-up, but to gain privacy around things like periods and wet dreams,” said Friedrichs.

Every menstrual hygiene product has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Isabel Pavia via Getty Images

Every menstrual hygiene product has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, there are also other options.

“Pads are traditionally the first go-to,” said Wise. “They’re easy to explain, they’re easy to get.” And they’re what the school nurse likely has on hand.

But some teens find pads uncomfortable. They may say it feels like wearing a diaper, or worry about others noticing the outline of the pad through their clothing.

“I like to reassure people that you normally can’t see a pad. But even if, psychologically, you think someone can see a pad through leggings,” said Friedrichs, period underwear “might give you that sense of comfort that nobody can see that this is happening.”

Tampons, cups and discs “can be useful for people with active lifestyles” and for swimming, said Wise. “But they do just take just a little bit more education and finesse.”

What else should your tween/teen know about menstruation?

Wise says that most people get their first period between the ages of 11 and 13, but it can also happen in the years before or after. A person usually has a first period two to three years after the first signs of breast development, “which can just seem like a little puffiness around the nipples,” said Friedrichs.

“It’s really hard to predict what a first period will look like,” Wise explained. Blood may be red or brown, flow light or heavy, and the person may or may not have other symptoms such as bloating or cramps.

“Sometimes people are nervous that it’s going to be like turning on a tap, and that you’re gonna have this rush of water, but it’s really, for most people, more like a drip,” Friedrichs said.

People can expect their periods to be irregular for the first year or two of menstruation. They may come 21-45 days apart, and may not be the same number of days apart each cycle.

The hormones that the brain makes to tell the ovaries to make oestrogen and progesterone hasn’t found its rhythm yet,” said Wise. “Ovulation is not part of every cycle.”

While there is plenty of variety in what’s considered normal, Wise says there are several reasons to bring a tween or teen to the doctor:

  • No periods by age 15, or 3 years after breast development
  • Periods more than three months apart
  • Bleeding longer than seven days per cycle
  • Heavy bleeding that requires changing menstrual products every two hours
  • Any symptoms that interfere with their lifestyle or their quality of life

“Nobody should feel like they can’t go to school,” said Friedrichs, whether due to heavy bleeding, pain, or other physical or emotional symptoms they’re having with their cycles.

“For pain with periods, a lot of it is considered normal — but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s something that we have to put up with,” said Wise.

A doctor can recommend different options for treating period pain and other symptoms, and adults should remember that even if they lived with significant menstrual discomfort, that doesn’t mean a child needs to. (While many teens fear going to the gynaecologist, thinking it means they will need a pelvic exam, Wise said she performs “surprisingly few” of these exams on patients under 21.)

As for leaks and stains, Wise said “the most important thing is to anticipate it and to know that at some point it happens to everyone.”

“It’s a very normal experience. Especially those first few years, it’s hard to predict when you’re going to have your period,” she said.

Having back-up underwear and pants at school can help, but the old trick of tying a sweatshirt around your waist works just fine too.

Friedrichs tells her students, “most of us have had this happen if we’ve had our periods. And there’s a lot of uncomfortable things that happen when you’re going through life with the human body, and that’s gonna possibly be one of them. And doesn’t mean that you’re gross or dirty or bad.”

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Period Poverty Is Getting Worse, Here’s How To Donate And Find Help

The cost of living is making it harder for women and girls to buy period products.

A new poll of 1,000 girls aged 14-21 reveals that more than one in four (28%) are struggling to afford period products, and nearly one in five (19%) report being unable to afford period products at all since the start of 2022.

One in 10 of the young women who took part in the survey had to go to a food bank to obtain free period products. And half of the girls who struggled to afford period products since the start of 2022 had to cut back on food and groceries to be able to buy them. This number dramatically increased by almost double compared to last year.

Almost a quarter (23%) of girls had to cut back spending money on school supplies to afford to buy period products and 19% cut back on buying non-prescription health products.

Shockingly, the vast majority (80%) of girls who struggled or were unable to afford period products have used toilet paper as a substitute for period products, up an eighth on last year. Around 12% have used socks, 10% have used newspaper/paper and 7% have used other fabric.

As the cost-of-living continues to rise rapidly – with the price of food, energy and multiple household items skyrocketing – the survey also found that overall, over a quarter (26%) of UK girls are concerned about being able to afford period products over the coming months.

Rose Caldwell, CEO of Plan International UK, described the findings as “devastating”.

“As we look to an uncertain future, many more families will face tough financial choices, and more young women than ever are likely to face issues affording the products they need,” she said. “Period products are a necessity, not a luxury, and they need to be treated as such.”

How can you help combat period poverty?

Let’s be real: we need intervention from those in power to reduce the price of period products and tackle the cost of living crisis, so that women are girls can afford to buy them in the first place. You can write to big brands and your MP to get your voice on this heard.

But if you’re able to donate items to support those in need, the sustainable period brand Dame recommends donating “reusables or plastic-free products where possible, and remember pads are more popular than tampons”.

“Products need to make more financial sense, and the rise of reusable products like menstrual cups in particular is helping to address this as the cup can be used for an entire period each cycle and lasts for years,” a spokesperson explained.

“Single use products will almost always end up more expensive over time, so the move to reusables can really help here as long as we can get the products into people’s hands for little or no cost.”

Some charities prefer to receive donated products including pads, tampons and menstrual cups, whereas other organisations prefer monetary donations, so they can buy items most suitable for their clients and distribute accordingly. If you’re not sure, always ask.

Where can you provide or find help?

There are organisations around the country helping girls and women to access period products. We’ve listed just a few of them below:

Your local food bank or community hub

The majority of food banks/hubs now stock period products, so your local centre is a good first port of call if you’d like to donate items or you need to access help. The Trussell Trust website has a directory of nationwide food banks, but you’ll find others by googling support in your area or looking at local Facebook groups. While some food banks require a referral (from a GP or social worker), others do not. Never be afraid to walk in and ask for help. To donate to a food bank, check if there are preferred ‘donation days’ listed online, or place items for donation in community ‘collection points’ (often in supermarkets).

Freedom4girls s a Leeds-based charity that fights against period poverty. They work with people who menstruate to challenge stigmas and gender inequalities linked with menstruation. You can donate products directly to the charity via its multiple ‘donation stations’ situated in Leeds and other areas of West Yorkshire. The charity also accepts postal donations and financial donations. Products are distributed to women and girls in need, primarily among those based in Leeds and Sheffield. You can find details on how to donate here and request free products via this online form.

Bloody Good Period has over 100 partners across England and Wales, including charities and food banks. They give period products to refugees, asylum-seekers and those who can’t afford or access them. Since March 2020, they’ve been able to distribute over 100,000 packs of period products.

The charity does not accept physical donations of period products, but it does reply on financial donations. It operates by bulk ordering products and distributing them across the country. You can read more about donating funds here, or even organise a Bloody Good Fundraiser.

Hey Girls is a “buy-one, donate-one” social enterprise, meaning every time you buy a period product via the site, you’re helping another woman to access a product she needs. There are cups, pads, tampons, period pants and more available via the shop.

Girlguiding aims to end period poverty and the stigma associated with periods. They are a leading charity for girls and young women. They’ve teamed up with WaterAid to develop activities to get girls and young women talking openly about period.


Schools across the country can sign up to access free period products for pupils who need them. Speak to your/your child’s school if this is something that would help,

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