What’s The ’30-30-30 Rule’ And Does It Actually Make You Healthier?

Spend five minutes on FitTok (the fitness side of TikTok), and you’ll see dozens of different diets, workouts and supplements claiming to help you get fit and be healthier. Millions of accounts credit programs like 75 Hard or intermittent fasting for transforming their health, but these can be unsustainable and taxing on your body and brain.

Enter the “30-30-30 rule,” one of the internet’s latest obsessions. This now-viral wellness plan is brilliant in both its simplicity and its adaptability, but will it actually make you healthier? We spoke with experts to find out.

What exactly is the ‘30-30-30 rule’?

Popularised recently by Gary Brecka, an online health personality and biologist, the 30-30-30 rule involves eating 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning, then doing 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise.

It’s popular because it’s easy to remember, doesn’t require you to make any other fitness or diet changes throughout the rest of the day and, in theory, is easy enough for everyone to do.

“A growing body of research suggests that combining a high-protein diet with exercise helps improve fat mass, blood glucose control, inflammation, physical performance and markers of heart health such as triglycerides and total cholesterol, especially among those who classify as obese,” Edwina Clark, a registered dietitian and wellness expert, told HuffPost.

She explained that protein in particular “requires more energy to metabolise than fat and carbohydrates,” which means eating more can help “stabilise blood sugar and promote satiety.”

“Protein is also needed for muscle building and maintenance — an important component of any weight loss program,” Clark said. “Some evidence suggests that eating a protein-rich breakfast in the morning can assist with hunger and appetite control throughout the day, although research is mixed.”

According to Elizabeth Huggins, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at Hilton Head Health, adding protein and physical activity to your morning routine “sounds good,” but the only way to know how beneficial it truly is would be to compare it to your current morning habits.

“It could be seen as an improvement for someone who either routinely skips breakfast and later craves and eats junk food or who starts their day consuming highly processed foods, such as sugary beverages and cereals,” Huggins said. “Eating a source of protein first thing in the morning can promote satiety and curb cravings for less healthy foods.”

It could also help those with insulin resistance and/or diabetes.

“Following this rule could help minimise a rise in blood glucose compared to a high-carb breakfast,” Huggins said.

The type of protein you eat matters.

Not all proteins are created equal when it comes to your health. Think of it this way: sausage compared to two eggs with reduced-fat Greek yogurt will both get you 30 grams of protein, but the latter is much better for you overall.

“If you’re routinely eating steak and sausage at breakfast, you might see an increase in cholesterol and other markers of heart health and inflammation over time,” Clark said.

She recommended eating high-quality protein in the morning, such as Greek yogurt, eggs and nut butter, which “can help keep you full and fuel your brain and body for the day ahead, especially when combined with high-fibre carbohydrates.”

The timing seems to be less important. While there’s little evidence to suggest that eating within the first 30 minutes of your day will help significantly, experts say it isn’t harmful either.

The type of protein you consume in the morning can make a huge difference in your health and wellness.

milorad kravic via Getty Images

The type of protein you consume in the morning can make a huge difference in your health and wellness.

The 30-30-30 rule is an achievable way to help you meet exercise recommendations.

Adding in 30 minutes of exercise to your morning routine has health benefits that can’t be ignored. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention recommend getting 150 minutes of exercise a week, and the 30-30-30 rule can definitely help you reach that if you aren’t already.

“Having a specific plan regarding food and activity first thing in the morning may set a positive tone for the day,” Huggins said, adding that “participating in activity first thing in the morning prevents distractions from derailing one’s efforts later in the day.”

Basically, it can be effective because it’s easier to commit to than other diet and exercise routines, and you can knock it out at the beginning of every day.

“Starting your day off with a plan for fuelling your body and movement seems like a good place to start, as long as a person understands rules can be modified,” Huggins said. “We know that physical activity is a critical component to preventing chronic diseases and can promote a variety of positive health benefits. Many Americans do not get enough physical activity, so adding 30 minutes of lower-intensity exercise first thing in the morning could be seen as a great start.”

Low-intensity exercise, which includes walking, hiking, swimming or gentle yoga, can make your mornings more enjoyable. Also, there’s a bonus to doing it. Low-intensity exercise can help build aerobic capacity, according to Clark.

There are some setbacks with the 30-30-30 rule.

No wellness trend is perfect, and 30-30-30 comes with its own set of downsides. Huggins pointed out that “it does not take into consideration a person’s unique needs or goals” and added that “if someone already has a solid plan with balanced nutrition, it may just serve as a strange distraction.”

If you already have a dedicated morning fitness routine, it’s probably best to skip this method.

“For those that like to crank up the intensity of their exercise first thing in the morning, this rule wouldn’t make sense to have to dial back intensity or to restrict carbohydrates that may be needed to fuel their activity,” Huggins explained.

Another thing to keep in mind: 30-30-30 won’t work for everybody.

“This specific rule may not mesh well with a person’s schedule or cultural preferences,” Huggins said.

At the end of the day, those who have a poor relationship with food and exercise may also see this as another diet to follow strictly, which can worsen mental health. Plus, those with certain health conditions may not be able to follow this plan.

“It is worth noting that Gary Brecka’s website includes a disclaimer that states he is not a licensed medical provider and advises people to seek medical advice, diagnosis and treatment from a qualified physician or other healthcare provider,” Huggins said.

So, does the 30-30-30 rule make you healthier?

“Health is the accumulation of many tiny habits practiced consistently over time,” Clark said.

Whether or not following the 30-30-30 rule makes you healthier depends a lot on the individual person, their starting health and fitness habits, and how effectively they can stick with it.

Not to mention all the other tiny things we do throughout the day that affect our health and wellness.

“The quality of what you eat matters for weight loss, as does sleep, stress and movement throughout the day,” Clark said.

Your best bet is sticking to the timeless advice: move more, eat healthier and sleep well. And be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new diet and/or fitness regimen.

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Sorry But You Need To Stop Eating This 1 Thing Before Exercise

Exercise seems so simple, but it can feel like there’s a lot of prep behind-the-scenes to hit those fitness goals. Whether it’s sourcing the right equipment, finding the right time to do it or even whether the exercise you’re doing is actually beneficial for you, it feels like half the work is simply… getting ready to exercise.

Thankfully, it turns out choosing what to eat before you get started and what to refuel with is a lot less complicated.

What you shouldn’t eat before a workout

According to Kerry Beeson, a nutritional therapist at Prep Kitchen, the focus of eating before a workout is to provide you with heightened energy, prevent fatigue, and support muscle maintenance and growth.

“As a general rule, you should aim to eat between one and three hours before your session,” she says.

Beeson adds that if you’re eating between one and two hours before your workout, you should keep the quantity small to avoid indigestion.

As for what not to eat, the nutritional therapist recommends steering away from nuts. This is because they are too slow to digest which could lead to discomfort and bloating. She also advises against tucking into cheese and fatty meats.

Instead, it’s recommended that people eat complex carbohydrates which release energy gradually such as sweet potato and brown rice.

Surprisingly, Beeson also advises against high-fibre foods saying: ”Foods which are too high in fibre can cause gas and bloating which isn’t ideal before a high intensity workout. Interestingly, we don’t actually digest fibre, it’s indigestible which can lead to bloating and stomach discomfort if you exercise too soon after.”

What to eat after a workout

While it may be tempting to reach for a sugary snack after a workout (guilty), your body will refuel more effectively with nutritious foods. Beeson recommends tucking into spinach, eggs, lean meats or wholegrain pasta.

Sadly, after a workout still isn’t the greatest time to tuck into nuts and cheese – so it might be worth giving those a miss for now.

As Beeson says: “Try to avoid high fat foods for the first couple of hours following a workout as this can put unnecessary strain on your digestion while your body recovers.”

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How To Pick A Workout Playlist That’ll Keep You Going For Longer

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

Music is a lot of things: it’s restorative, motivational, moving and educational. There are endless ways we use music to get through our days, whether listening to a sad song on repeat or hitting play on an upbeat tune.

According to Ronna Kaplan, a clinical supervisor and adjunct music therapy faculty at Cleveland State University, “music is positive in many ways for mental health, it can be used across the lifespan” for many different situations.

One of those ways is during exercise. It can be a crucial element in enhancing your workout. Here’s how.

Your body’s movement naturally matches a song’s rhythm, which can help you stick to a specific pace.

There’s a reason your foot starts tapping or your shoulders start moving as soon as a song comes on. According to Joy Allen, the chair of music therapy and director of the music and health institute at Berklee College of Music in Boston, this is because of rhythmic entrainment, which is an “unconscious reaction — that’s what we call the entrainment.”

“Our body’s going to [move] in time with that sound or that rhythm,” she says.

So, when it comes to exercise, your body automatically falls in line with the tempo of the music “because of the way that our brains are connected with rhythm,” Allen says.

When picking music for a workout, like when going for a walk or run, for example, you’ll want to choose a tempo that is close to your natural stride. “Go [with] what seems comfortable for you and play around with different songs,” she says.

You can use music to increase your pace, too.

If you’re looking for an added challenge, pick a song with a pace that is a little quicker than your average running or walking stride, this should help you move faster throughout your workout.

You can start with a song with a slower tempo and gradually increase your speed by picking songs with faster beats, which is ideal if you’re looking to improve your walking or running pace, according to Kaplan.

“It primes the person to an outside cue,” she says. It “helps your muscles activate in their walking pattern.”

Music can help distract you from boredom during a workout.

Tempura via Getty Images

Music can help distract you from boredom during a workout.

It’s motivating.

How often has someone walked into the gym, realised they forgot their headphones, and then had a not-so-great workout — or even left the gym altogether? Allen pointed out this is a common occurrence: There is a major reason why music is integral to so many people’s workouts.

The music you listen to during a workout helps with motivation, and there are several things behind that motivation.

First, you probably want to hear your favorite song on your exercise playlist, which may keep you going for longer. Second, if you put on music that’s unexpected (like if you put on reggaeton instead of your regular pop soundtrack), you will be interested in hearing what comes next in the song, which may also keep you moving longer than usual.

“If you’re always listening to the same stuff, sometimes that’s great [but] sometimes we have fatigue from it — we know what to expect and what’s coming, so it can be a little less motivating,” Allen says.

And music is distracting.

No one wants to focus on their tough workout as they’re in it. If anything, they want to not think about it. As you sing along to lyrics or are reminded of music-induced memories, songs let your mind wander throughout an exercise regimen, so you don’t have to stand (or sit) there and think about how hard your workout is.

Music keeps you from getting bored during a workout, too, which can happen when you’re doing something kind of mundane like walking on a treadmill, Allen noted. Music activates the brain by giving your mind something else to think about.

“It captures your attention… ‘oh, here’s something I’m listening to,’ so I’m not attending to what could be an uncomfortable experience with the exercise, it gives me something else to focus on,” Allen says.

You’ll reap even more benefits when you pick your music.

According to Kaplan, when someone chooses the music they’re listening to, they’ll have better results, whether working out or doing something like meditation.

A recent study led by the Department of Kinesiology at Samford University in Alabama stated, “if the music played over the speakers is not preferred by the individual giving effort, performance may suffer. Thus, coaches and athletes should consider individual music preferences when attempting to optimise performance and training.”

This further speaks to the motivation you feel when working out to music you enjoy.

Additionally, Kaplan says you might notice you’re in a better mood when working out to music you select, which may make you feel like you enjoyed your workout more. And that’s a win-win.

This may mean you’ll be more likely to work out again that week, which is a great way to hit your fitness goals.

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser

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Here Are The Benefits Of Adding Fast Intervals To Your Walk

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

Walking is cooler than ever, thanks in large part to the made-famous-by-TikTok Hot Girl Walk trend. Not only is it cool, but walking is also great for your mental health and your physical health.

There are even ways to make your walks more beneficial, whether that’s Nordic walking (a kind of walking that uses poles, similar to ski poles, to incorporate your upper body) or interval walking, which, according to Harvard Health, gets your heart rate up more than a regular walk.

An interval walk incorporates phases of fast and moderate walking to create a heart-pumping, challenging workout. You can mix and match the duration of each pace however you like, but generally the majority of the walk is done at a moderate pace with the quicker pace sprinkled throughout. It’s common to do this workout at a 2-to-1 ratio, meaning you walk at a moderate pace for double the amount of time of a fast pace (so, walk at a moderate pace for two minutes and follow it up with a faster one-minute walk), but it’s really up to you how you split it up.

During the moderate walking pace, you should be at about 30% to 40% of your maximum effort, said Kate Lemere, chief instructor at Barry’s Chicago. In other words, your walk should be at a pace that would allow you to hold a conversation.

During vigorous, fast intervals, she said, you’ll want to be around 70% of your maximum effort, a pace at which it should be more difficult to string together a complete sentence.

Interval walking is a way to add something different to your regular walk and can make it much more efficient.

Here, experts share all of the ways interval walking is good for your health.

It shortens the amount of time you need to exercise.

“What does interval training do for you? It cuts down the amount of time you have to exercise to get the same benefit,” said Dr. Michael Ayers, a sports cardiologist at UVA Health in Virginia.

For people with busy schedules, this is a huge benefit of incorporating fast-slow intervals into a walk — or incorporating any kind of high-intensity interval training into exercise, for that matter. When you mix vigorous exercise with moderate exercise, those short bursts of vigorous exercise get you the same benefits of a slower walk in less time, Ayers said.

In other words, all of the benefits of a moderate-intensity walk can be achieved faster when you add in some quick high-intensity intervals.

“Interval training definitely shortens the amount of exercise time that you have to do per week,” he added.

It creates an endorphin rush.

Ayers noted that, overall, one of the big reasons his patients like interval training is how it makes them feel afterward.

“There’s a big endorphin kick when you go into vigorous exercise,” he said. With an interval walk, as long as you reach a vigorous pace for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, you’ll get an endorphin kick.

You could do a five-minute moderately paced interval followed by a fast minute-long interval, or one minute of moderate walking followed by 30 seconds of power walking. As long as you break up your slower intervals with at least 30 seconds of vigorous walking, you’ll be on your way to that endorphin boost.

If you're looking to increase your walking speed, interval walking can be a great way to build up to that goal.

JGI/Tom Grill via Getty Images

If you’re looking to increase your walking speed, interval walking can be a great way to build up to that goal.

It builds endurance.

Walking may not be the first thing you think of when considering endurance-building workouts, but walking can actually build up your aerobic endurance, according to Dr. Tamanna Singh, a clinical cardiologist and co-director of the sports cardiology center at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

For someone who is really pushing themselves during a walk, especially if they aren’t used to bursts of vigorous exercise, that pace acceleration “may be enough to stimulate the aerobic and anaerobic system,” she added.

This will help you build up your aerobic endurance and sustain anaerobic levels of effort moving forward, Singh said.

Plus, interval training can help you reach endurance goals related to walking farther or walking faster.

″[The] best way to increase your [walking] speed is with interval training — increasing the duration of those faster intervals over time will help you be able to do that,” Singh said.

It’s a good workout for people who are getting back into exercise.

Interval walking can also be a great progression for those who are getting back into aerobic activity after an injury or pregnancy, said Lemere.

If you fall into one of these categories, you shouldn’t just jump right into the workout. First, make sure you’re able to walk at a sustained pace and recover without pain the next day, she said. And it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before adding something new to a post-injury workout routine.

But if you are ready to take your walking to the next level, you can increase your exercise output by adding fast-slow intervals.

Interval walks are helpful for people coming off of an injury and hoping to get back into running, too.

“Incorporating walking intervals is one of the best ways not to only increase your cardio but also to progress if your goal involves running,” Lemere noted.

It can help you feel less bored during a workout.

Variety equals excitement in most scenarios, including workouts.

A 45-minute or hourlong walk can seem daunting (and can end up being kind of boring), but when you break that walk into chunks that incorporate quick walking followed by slower-paced walking, you can make the workout a little more exciting, Singh noted.

You can try walking at a moderate pace for 10 minutes and follow it up with a fast walk for five minutes and repeat that pattern until you hit your time goal. This, she added, is also a way to stay engaged during the workout, which is another huge benefit.

“Engagement is a huge component in making sure people can commit” to exercise, Singh said.

It’s not as hard on your body as a traditional run …

When you’re not properly warming up and recovering, “running can be very painful and hard to recover from,” Lemere said.

Our bodies change with age, and running may not be something you can do anymore. That’s OK.

Interval walking is a good way to get in some brisk movement outdoors without putting all of that pressure on your joints.

But the cardiovascular benefits of walking at a sustained pace are largely the same.

Beyond the benefits above, interval walking has not proved to be any more beneficial than sustained walking when it comes to general health. You may be sweating a little more after a fast walk interval, but the overall health benefits aren’t actually going to be much different.

Walking of any sort is healthy, Ayers said. Across the board, walking increases muscular strength decreases the likelihood of diabetes, and also decreases blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It results in a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, too.

At the end of the day, get moving [and] be very intentional about how you move your body,” Singh said. “That’s the cheapest, easiest way to stay healthy and reduce your cardiovascular risk.”

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser

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Why Watching England’s Lionesses Is Good For Your Mental Health

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

Every football fan will tell you the joy of watching your favourite time play, but a new study goes one step further, detailing how it can even boost your mental health.

And with England’s Lionesses set to face Sweden in the Euro 2022 semi-final, it’s yet another reason to get behind the team, who’ve had a record-breaking run so far.

One in two of all sports fans said watching a match helps them socialise more with friends and family, according to the study conducted by charitable social enterprise, Better. Over a third (35%) said it makes them feel part of a community and 33% said it inspires them to be more active.

The researchers asked 2,000 sports fans across the country questions about their daily exercise regimes, their participation in sports, their sport-viewing habits, their fruit and vegetable intake and their alcohol consumption.

They wanted to determine which sports fans are enjoying engaging in a sport and which ones prefer the comfort of their sofas when watching their favourite athletes compete.

The mighty Lionesses will face Sweden in the Euros semi-final.

Visionhaus via Visionhaus/Getty Images

The mighty Lionesses will face Sweden in the Euros semi-final.

“Sport and exercise is brilliant for physical, mental and cognitive health. If it was a pill it would make billions!” said Dr Josephine Perry, a sports psychologist who spoke to Better.

“As well as the physical benefits, the exercise we get through sport gives us structure, purpose, energy and motivation.”

Dr Perry explained that sport also positively alters the way we process and respond to our emotions, reducing “how much we overthink” helping to build up “an emotional resilience to stress”.

“These help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, make us behave differently, boosts our self-esteem and means we reduce any feelings of loneliness by becoming more social,” she added.

The research also found that football fans were the most active across all sports, with 34% getting over 60 minutes of exercise every day. Footie fans were also found to be the least likely to drink more alcohol while watching sport (45%).

Josh Cheetham, a 30-year-old avid Leeds United fan, was not surprised by the research.
“In 2018 I was suffering from depression, I was in a really dark place after a tragic life event, and I didn’t see how I was going to get better. Then I went to a football match, witnessed one of the best matches I’ve ever seen, and I was feeling better as soon as the final whistle blew,” he said.

“When I watch my team at away matches, I am usually on my own, but I don’t see it that way. We all support the same team, we are all one big community and family, you can start talking to anyone around you and immediately feel like you know them and strike up a friendship that lasts for years.”

So, if you haven’t tuned into the Euros yet, what are you waiting for?

England were always a favourite going into this tournament. But whatever the outcome, you’ll get a boost from supporting them.

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser

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These Are The Best Times For Women (And Men) To Work Out

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

What time do you work out? Depending on your gender, the optimal timing could be different.

For women, the best time for exercise may be evenings whereas for men it is mornings, according to a new US study.

Previous research into this area of fitness research has predominantly focused on men. But the new study shows that women burn more fat during morning exercise whereas their counterparts do the same in the evenings.

The factors that differentiate the sexes are likely to be hormonal differences. biological clocks and sleep-wake cycles, the authors said.

The study from Skidmore College, New York State looked at 56 people (30 men and 26 women, all healthy between 25-55) over the course of 12 weeks.

They were monitored during fitness programmes which included sprinting, stretching, resistance and endurance training.

One group worked out for an hour, before 8:30 while the other between 6pm and 8pm. Both ate a specially designed meal plan.

Researchers looked at everyone’s blood pressure and body fat during the 12 weeks, also taking into consider their strength, flexibility, and aerobic power.

The good news is that all who took part in the study saw better overall health, regardless of when they exercised. So whether you’re a morning person or an evening person, keeping moving is the way.

“The best time for exercise is the best time you can do it and fit it into your schedule,” said Dr Paul Arcerio, the study’s lead author and professor of health and human physiological sciences at Skidmore College.

The differences may result from women being more likely to store abdominal fat than men, which coupled with the body’s internal rhythm. Researchers want to study the two more to find what exactly causes the optimal times to vary.

But there’s a bit more to it, said the authors, who stressed the ideal times can also vary for men and women, depending on the kind of training they do.

Based on the study’s results, if women want to reduce their blood pressure and lose fat around the middle of their body, they should stick to mornings.

But if they are trying to do strength training, particularly targeting their upper body, as well as improving mood and food intake, evening exercise may be best.

In comparison, men were found to be less sensitive to timing and were able to improve fitness regardless of timing. But, Dr Arcerio added: “Evening exercise was found to be ideal for men interested in improving heart and metabolic health, as well as emotional wellbeing.”

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser

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This 5-Minute HILIT Workout Will Boost Your Fitness, Without Wrecking Your Joints

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

HIIT, or high intensity interval training, was all the rage a few years back. And if you love getting your sweat on with rapid circuits and burpees, you do you.

But there’s a new trend in town that might appeal to those who found HIIT, well, a little too intense.

Enter HILIT, which stands for ‘high intensity low impact training’. Instead of throwing yourself around at the gym, HILIT is all about small, targeted movements that lead to mighty results.

And according to Amber Johnston, assistant head trainer at Barrecore, this type of exercise is “suitable for everyone,” including “new people to exercise, prenatal and postnatal people, plus athletes recovering from injury”.

“Very simply, via HILIT work outs, you are putting less impact on your body, especially your joints,” she tells us.

The benefits of HILIT, according to Johnston, include:

• Raising your heart rate

• Improving cardio fitness and muscle strength

• Protecting you from joint damage, pain and injury

• Burning calories

Below, Johnston has shared a five-minute HILIT workout that focusses on squats. “Squats are great for ankle and hip mobility, you will work your quads, glutes, hamstrings and core whilst getting your heart rate up with the full range movements especially the arms above your head,” she says.

“Watch your alignment; knees in line with toes, knees and ankles stacked and keep breathing! If you have trouble with your knees/hips/ankles keep the range of motion smaller and higher.”

Give this a go at home or in the gym.

1. Start with slow squats, feet wider than your hips, toes turned out slightly, weight in your heels as you drop down for two counts and up for two counts, repeat for 30 seconds. Speed up to single count down, single count up, repeat for another 30 seconds.

2. Raise arms above your head as you come up, repeat for 60 seconds, then hold at your deepest squat position and do tiny pulses for 30 seconds.

3. Hold your squat position and start walking to the side as if you are a crab, maintaining your deep squat position, step five times to left, five times to right, then four, then three, then two then one. This should take around 60 seconds to complete. Come back to your squat position and start to do single full range [as low as you can squat] again with arms and legs together for another 30 secs.

4. Finish your workout in a 30 second straight arm plank with mountain climbers.

5. Then finally lower onto your forearms for the last 30 seconds for an active recovery whilst targeting all of your major muscle groups in a full isometric hold.

Focus on keeping your elbows under your shoulder, head in line with your spine, tailbone slightly tucked to prevent arching in the lower back, whilst focusing on drawing your belly button to your spine on each exhale breath. Modify onto your knees if you are struggling with your form in this position.

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser

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6 Exercises You Should Do In The Morning If You Wake Up Tired

You’re reading First Thing, a weekly series on HuffPost UK helping to make your mornings happier and healthier.

Does your morning exercise routine consist of working your arms by smacking the snooze button for the third time? (No shame ― sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!)

It may feel like exercising at the start of the day is an impossible feat when you’re so exhausted. However, you don’t have to spring out of bed and start running a 5K to feel energised. Even a little bit of movement will go a long way when it comes to revving you up for the day.

“Moving your body when you first wake up helps your circulation and stimulates your lymphatic system,” said Jennifer Jacobs, a certified personal trainer and founder of The J Method, adding that exercise helps fluid move through your body and reduce inflammation. “As a result, you feel more energised.”

We asked experts to share the best energy-boosting moves that’ll help you kickstart your morning feeling loose and alert. Here are their favourites:

1. Downward dog

Start your a.m. with a downward dog to get your blood flowing and increase alertness.

Start your a.m. with a downward dog to get your blood flowing and increase alertness.

One of the reasons you may not want to drag yourself out of bed is because your body is stiff from sleeping all night. This yoga pose is a great way to kickstart blood flow and wake up, said Megan Roup, founder of The Sculpt Society.

Starting on your hands and knees, stack your shoulders over your wrists and spread your palms out wide. Pressing through your palms, tuck your toes and lift your knees, pointing your hips toward the ceiling as you press down through the heels.

“To make this stretch more active, you can pedal out the feet while you actively press into the floor or bend and straighten both legs,” Roup said. Hold the pose for 15 seconds and repeat for three to four rounds.

2. Hamstring flossing

“This dynamic stretch helps to loosen up your hamstrings and your lower back more effectively than doing a static stretch, which may cause muscle spasms if your body isn’t properly warmed up,” said Theresa Marko, a board-certified orthopaedic clinical specialist in physical therapy and owner of Marko Physical Therapy.

To do this move, start by lying on the floor with knees bent and feet flat. Gently grab behind one of your thighs and straighten and bend the knee repeatedly (just make sure not to overextend your knee). This back-and-forth flossing motion will give your hamstring a stretch-and-release sensation. Do 10 repetitions on each side for two to three rounds.

3. Wake-up bounce

Don't underestimate the cardio and energy power of a little dancing.

Don’t underestimate the cardio and energy power of a little dancing.

“This is my go-to morning move that really wakes me up,” Jacobs said. “Choose a song that’s roughly three to five minutes and spend the duration of the song bouncing through the balls of your feet. You’ll start to increase blood flow – not to mention sneak in a quick calf workout – and may find that after the song ends your mood has improved, too.”

4. Child’s pose to side bend

It may seem counterproductive that one of the stretches to wake you up resembles a move that looks like you’re sleeping, but Khalil Jones, a certified personal trainer who also trains at Rumble Boxing in Philadelphia, said this move is great for stomach sleepers. This is because it can reset the spine after having the lower back rounded forward all night. (And reducing stiffness in your back allows you to move more freely and feel more energised.)

Kneeling on the floor, spread your knees hip-width apart and bend forward to place your torso between your thighs. Lengthen your tailbone and place your hands out to the side. Hold for 15 seconds for three to four rounds. As you come out of child’s pose, do a side bend: Grab one elbow with the opposite hand over your head and lean away from the elbow. This will stretch your back and triceps and improve mobility in your upper body.

5. Hip flexor stretch

A hip flexor stretch can alleviate tightness in multiple parts of your body.

A hip flexor stretch can alleviate tightness in multiple parts of your body.

“Hip flexors are such an important muscle,” Marko said. “Tight hamstrings can tug on your lumbar spine, and this can cause pain.”

Dropping down into a half kneeling position, do a slight pelvic tilt, lunging yourself forward to stretch your hip flexors. Hold for 15 seconds, repeating for three to four rounds.

If you feel too tight to try this, start by lying on the floor first, knees bent and feet flat. Keep your knees together and rock your legs side to side. Next, let your knees fall all the way down to one side to get a more intense stretch on your lower back. Switch sides, holding for 15 seconds each time, and then try the hip flexor stretch again.

6. Lateral breathing

If you just can’t get yourself out of bed to stretch and move before you need to be productive, don’t sweat it. Nikki Chrysostomou, a licensed movement therapist and founder of Movement Integration, said you can practice this stimulating stretch anywhere ― in the car, at your desk or even on your bed.

All you need to do is inhale and exhale deeply and focus your mind on getting the breath into your sides. If it’s helpful, you can place your hands on your ribcage to help you monitor where your breath is going.

“Lateral breathing helps to stimulate the mind,” Chrysostomou said. “To do this, work on taking breath away from the stomach. Think of breathing into the back of your ribcage, into the sides of the ribs and into your armpits. This creates a bucket-handle effect, with the ribs expanding out, and can perk you up.”

First Thing is a weekly series on HuffPost UK Life giving you tips and advice on how to enjoy your mornings. Whether you’re an early bird or night owl, starting your day off right will make for a happier and healthier day. We’ll be sharing exercise advice, nutrition guidance, as well as ideas on forming new habits. (And no, the answer to a productive morning isn’t just setting an alarm for 5am!)

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